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A Polinnova Kenya Composite film September 2022: A series of short video clips of Local Farmer Innovators in Kenya presenting their experiences with Farmer-Led Innovation Development (PID).

  • 1 year ago

This is a composite Video produced by Prolinnova Kenya showcasing the work of Farmer Innovators in Kenya.

Video Clip 1: Joe Ouko, a farmer innovator and Chairman of the Farmer Led Innovators Association of Kenya describes their Agribusiness enterprise based on local innovation called LOFODA G MEAL and through which the invention and the industry came about.

Video Clip 2: Benigna Muumbua, an Innovator for Organic Fruit Fly Trap talked about the process she went through in developing her innovation

Video clip 3. Rebecca Dero talks about her local innovation of a Local Sack Garden Irrigation Kit.

Video clip 4: presents a Farmer Innovation Day held in Makueni County of Kenya that brought together farmer innovators from Makueni and Kisumu County to showcase their innovations.   

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