India's First Device To Detect Subclinical Mastitis In Cows | Mastitis Cure | Quadmastest
- 2 weeks ago
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Chimertech Private Limited was established as an effort to deliver leading- and cutting-edge technologies to the general public and laboring workforce with minimal effort and end-user friendly technologies, that caters to the farmers.
Farmagain உலகின் முதல் துல்லிய விவசாய தொழில்நுற்பம் முறை | Country Farmss
- 1 month ago
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Founded in 2013 We are working towards making Precision Agriculture a reality by bringing in deep domain expertise in agronomy and advanced technologies like IoT and Artificial Intelligence to solve challenges faced in farming and make farmers productive and profitable.
Farmagain The Worlds First Precision Farming Technology | Grotron | Country Farmss | Farmagain
- 1 month ago
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Founded in 2013 We are working towards making Precision Agriculture a reality by bringing in deep domain expertise in agronomy and advanced technologies like IoT and Artificial Intelligence to solve challenges faced in farming and make farmers productive and profitable.
Indoor Saffron Farming | Aeroponics Saffron Farming | Saffron Farming | VertiRoots | Country Farmss
- 1 month ago
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Saffron is a perennial crop that can be grown indoors or outdoors: Traditional saffron farming Involves preparing the land for up to nine cycles before planting the corms. The corms are planted in rows, with a gap of 4–6 centimeters between each one.
Indoor Vertical Saffron Farming | குங்குமப்பூ விவசாயம் | Aeroponics | Country Farmss
- 1 month ago
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Saffron farming involves growing the saffron crocus, known for producing the world's most expensive spice.
#countryfarmss #Vertiroots #Aeroponics #SaffronFarmingகுங்குமப்பூவிவசாயம் #குங்குமப்பூசாகுபடி #குங்குமப்பூபயன்கள்
Gac Fruit விதைகளை விற்று வருடம் இரண்டு லட்சம் வருமானம் | Gas Fruit | Country Farmss
- 2 months ago
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Kerala Farmer Thrives with Rare “Fruit of Heaven”, Rakes in Lakhs from Seed Sales Jojo Punnakkal, a 49-year-old farmer from Amalapuram near Angamaly in Kerala, discovered the unique Gac fruit at an exhibition in 2018.
வறண்ட பூமியிலும் செழிப்பான விவசாயம் நெல்லை விவசாயின் சாதனை | CountryFarmss | Farmagain | Grotron
- 2 months ago
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CALL 1800-120-4143 Founded in 2013 We are working towards making Precision Agriculture a reality by bringing in deep domain expertise in agronomy and advanced technologies like IoT and Artificial Intelligence to solve challenges faced in farming and make farmers productive and profitable.
Precision farming in semi-arid region | Testimonial from a Successful Farmer | Country Farm English
- 2 months ago
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Founded in 2013 We are working towards making Precision Agriculture a reality by bringing in deep domain expertise in agronomy and advanced technologies like IoT and Artificial Intelligence to solve challenges faced in farming and make farmers productive and profitable.
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Country Farmss Media
We educate a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's use of the Earth's natural resources, and one's personal resources. It is often called "earth harmony living" or "net-zero living". As a practitioner of this lifestyle, we often attempt to reduce the ecological footprint (including their carbon footprint) by altering their methods of transportation, energy consumption, and/or diet. And our aim to make peoples sustainable, naturally balanced, and respectful of humanity's symbiotic relationship with the Earth's natural ecology.