Youth, ICTs and Agriculture
- 8 years ago
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Attracting the youth into Agriculture: ICTs and value chain development are changing the perspective of farming in Africa and Latin America. From a back breaking, hardly remunerative, labour consuming task to a much more profitable and solid source of income.
Innovation in banana cropping systems
- 9 years ago
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Some 80% of the Tanzanian population depends on agriculture for a living. In the North-West, near Lake Victoria, banana is the most important staple crop. The majority of production however is through subsistence farming rather than commercial production.
Creating Water in the Atacama Desert - Creating Water Foundation
- 9 years ago
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Capturing water from the fog and producing food on the driest place on earth, the Atacama Desert, Peru.
This water has two purposes: clean drinking water and to grow food.
Water from the fog - Clean drinking water - organic agriculture - Biochar - clean energy.