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Farmers tell their stories: Benefits from leveling rice fields (Khmer)

  • 8 years ago

Most rice fields in Southeast Asia are not uniformly leveled, so farmers use much more water than needed to cover the rice field to control weeds. Traditionally, most Asian farmers use draft animals and two-wheel tractors that drag harrows and leveling boards across the flooded fields to level their land.

Laser leveling for rice is slowly emerging in Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam as an alternative to traditional leveling. The video shows the current efforts of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI; in working with national partners like the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and donors (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Asian Development Bank) to promote the technology in Cambodia.

It explains the concept of laser leveling and its benefits, as shared by experience/experiment so far and by Vietnamese farmers who have tried and adopted laser leveling in their rice fields.

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