இந்த ஒரு விஷயத்தை செய்தால் அனைத்து பயிர்களிலும் 100% மகசூல் அதிகரிக்கும் | Country Farmss
- 11 months ago
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Nannilam Eco Village Address: near Keerakadai, Kalrayan Hills, Karumandurai, Tamil Nadu 636138 Contact: rajesh@nannilamecovillage.com bioenergy@tnau.ac.in Experience the joy of a natural living environment & enjoy the food that is truly nourishing your body & emotions. You can plan long or short-term stays at our sustainable eco-friendly villas situated at the Living Zone Fully equipped to offer rejuvenating living experiences for a farm stay. Healthy organic food from our farm. A fine blend of naturally healthy & comfortable living. #countryfarmss #nannilamecovillage #ecofriendlyfarm #biochar
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