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Putting diversity on the plate

  • 8 years ago

In this film, local people from the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia explain why a diversified diet is important and outline how participating in nutrition groups has helped them improve their diets.Bioversity International’s research with communities explored the seasonality of food availability and how to make nutritious meals from using fresh, locally available ingredients. Recipe ideas were tested and exchanged between community members and nutrition experts provided the nutrition groups with advice on how to prepare and consume balanced meals. The film features participants of the cooking demonstrations who share what they learnt and encourage others to form similar groups. The film is intended for local audiences in Barotse and is produced in local language, Lozi, with English subtitles. Read more about this work in this blog; support to local nutrition groups is part of Bioversity International’s Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems Initiative. It contributes to the CGIAR Research Programs on Aquatic Agriculture Systems and Agriculture for Nutrition and Health more: more information about the film creator, Ewa Hermanowicz:

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