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The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field

  • 3 years ago

Visit the OK-Net Arable knowledge platform for other useful materials OK-Net Arable has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 65265. The information contained in this video only reflects the author's view. This video explains how to take out a handy soil profile and how to interpret it by using the spade test. The video is addressed to farmers, advisors and scientist. After the introductory part of determining the objectives of the test and of comparing it with other methods, the user gets a descriptive pathway on how to extract, prepare and jugde a sample. This is done by judging its color and odor characteristiscs. Furthermore it is explained how the stratification, structure and texture of a sample can be assess by using the finger test, drop test and observations. This helps to evaluate your findings. On a short term, you can find out whether your field is ready for tillage or too wet. On a longer term, it helps you to get to know your soil better and to decide if your tillage practices need adaptations. On a spatial scale, you can find out why some parts of a field have a good growth whereas others don’t.

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